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How Long Does Dizziness From Anxiety Last?

How Long Does Dizziness From Anxiety Last?

Anxiety disorders are a category of mental health conditions that are characterized by excessive worry and disproportionate fear. Even though anxiety is a psychological concern, it can also cause a variety of unpleasant physical symptoms. In today’s post, we discuss the association between dizziness and anxiety.

What Is the Connection Between Dizziness and Anxiety?

The connection between dizziness and anxiety may be strongest among people who have panic disorder. Panic attacks can occur at virtually any time, with no obvious trigger or warning. 

In addition to dizziness and lightheadedness, other common physical symptoms of panic attacks include:

  • Racing heart rate
  • Sense of being smothered or choked
  • Chest pain
  • Tingling in hands and feet
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Heavy perspiration

During a panic attack, a person can believe that they are having a heart attack and that they are about to die. Thankfully, as we will discuss in the next section, these symptoms don’t usually last for an extended period.

Of course, panic disorder isn’t the only mental health concern that combines dizziness and anxiety. Other illnesses within the anxiety disorder category that can cause dizziness include generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder (social phobia), agoraphobia, and specific phobia.

How Long Does Dizziness From Anxiety Last?

The duration of dizziness from anxiety can depend on several factors, including which type of anxiety disorder a person has.

As we mentioned in the previous section, panic attacks are typically brief. In most cases, they only last five to 10 minutes. 

For people who have other disorders, the duration of anxiety and dizziness can depend on the circumstances that triggered the symptoms. 

For example, people who have agoraphobia may experience lightheadedness and other symptoms when they are in a crowded or enclosed environment. These symptoms may persist until they are able to extricate themselves from this situation.

Similarly, people who develop dizziness and anxiety due to specific phobia involving spiders may continue to suffer until they can put an appropriate amount of distance between themselves and the spider.

In most of these cases, dizziness and anxiety shouldn’t last for very long. But while the person is directly experiencing these symptoms, they may feel overwhelming distress.

How Can I Tell if I Need Treatment for Dizziness and Anxiety?

There are many possible causes for persistent bouts of dizziness or lightheadedness. If you have been experiencing these symptoms, you should consult with a doctor to determine if a medical concern or some other biological factor may be to blame.

If you have ruled out a medical cause, you may want to be assessed by a mental health expert. If it turns out that you do have an anxiety disorder, the professional who conducts your assessment should be able to provide a diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options.

To help you decide if you should schedule an anxiety assessment, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you have moments where you are overcome with fear, worry, or similarly troublesome emotions for no apparent reason?
  2. Have you endured the panic attack symptoms that we listed earlier in this post?
  3. Do you often feel as though you are in danger, or that something terrible is about to happen to you or someone you care about, even though there is no credible threat?
  4. Does the thought of giving a speech, meeting new people, or even eating in a restaurant cause you to have a powerful negative reaction?
  5. Do you sometimes have difficulty summoning the psychological strength to leave your house?
  6. Do you have an overwhelming fear of – and a strong negative reaction to – objects or situations that most people seem to have no problem with? Examples may include needles, dogs, spiders, heights, or the sight of blood.
  7. Have your fears or worries caused you to turn down opportunities, avoid certain people or places, or otherwise alter your behaviors?
  8. Do you find it difficult or virtually impossible to relax?
  9. Do you think that you worry too much about too many different things?
  10. Do you often experience headaches, stomach aches, muscle tension, and/or restlessness without an underlying physical or environmental cause?

Please note that the questions listed above are not meant to replicate or substitute for a professional assessment. They are included here solely as examples of feelings or experiences that could be indicative of anxiety.

Having established that, if you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to consider scheduling an anxiety assessment. Regardless of what the assessment reveals, receiving accurate information from an expert can be an important step on your path to improved health. 

Begin Treatment for Anxiety in Atlanta

Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry provides individualized outpatient mental health treatment in Atlanta for adults who have been struggling with anxiety disorders and other mental health concerns. Our innovative approach to treatment incorporates both time-tested techniques and emerging, research-based methods. 

When you choose Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry, you will be cared for by a team of skilled and dedicated professionals. The members of your treatment team will assess the full scope of your needs, then develop a customized plan that can help you achieve improved health and better quality of life.

To learn more about our programs and services or to schedule a free assessment, please visit our appointment page or call us today.

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