Personality Disorder

Treatments in Georgia

Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry provides quality personality disorder treatments for people in need of supportive and friendly care. Our skilled therapists use their experience working with personality disorders to reshape how a person views themselves and those around them. Our outpatient treatment reduces symptoms and helps clients regain a sense of control.

animation of personality disorders
therapy for personality disorders

What is a Personality Disorder?

A lot of things make up a person’s personality. Their intellect, their sense of humor, how they behave, and the ways they relate to other people. However, someone with a personality disorder cannot control many of their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. This makes it difficult for them to interact with others and have healthy relationships and good boundaries.

Personality disorders are mental health disorders that impair a person’s emotional and behavioral life. The way they think, feel, and act often is out of proportion to the events that trigger them. The disorders keep the individual from having healthy relationships with others and can make it hard to keep steady employment.

Because there isn’t an “at-home cure”, anyone struggling with this type of mental illness should seek quality personality disorder treatments.

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    Types of Personality Disorders

    Ten types of personality disorders are sorted into three separate categories that are called clusters. Within each cluster, the disorders share symptoms. Each type can be treated by a qualified center for personality disorder treatments.

    Cluster A

    These disorders include having unusual thoughts and acting in unusual manners. They include:

    Schizoid Personality Disorder: The individual isolates and avoids engaging in relationships with anyone. 

    Schizotypal Personality Disorder: The person with schizotypal personality disorder also has trouble with relationships and thinks, speaks, and behaves in unusual manners. 

    Paranoid Personality Disorder: This causes a person to develop paranoia and have extreme difficulty trusting anyone. 

    Cluster B

    These disorders cause people to have overly dramatic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that can quickly change. They include:

    Antisocial Personality Disorder: The individual has difficulty developing healthy relationships and often disrespects, manipulates, or tries to use those around them. 

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder: This causes a person to have no empathy for other people. They believe they are better and worthier than others and feel disappointed when they are not treated thusly. 

    Borderline Personality Disorder: Someone with borderline personality disorder (BPD) has difficulty controlling their emotions. They are impulsive and swing from one mood to another, which often impacts their relationships. 

    Histrionic Personality Disorder: The person acts in an over-the-top dramatic manner, often trying to divert all attention to themselves. 

    Cluster C 

    These disorders cause the individual to feel anxious, out of control, and fearful of many situations.

    Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder: These disorders cause a person to desire control and order in their lives. Without it, everything feels chaotic. Note: this is not the same as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

    Avoidant Personality Disorder: This causes a person to feel extremely shy and avoid people. They fear they are not as good as anyone else and others will reject them.

    Dependent Personality Disorder: The person feels an unhealthy dependence on others and expresses a need to be taken care of and nurtured. If they are in an unhealthy relationship, they may feel too intimidated to leave because they will lose the feeling of being protected.

    Personality disorders typically develop when a person is a teenager or in their early adulthood. There isn’t a singular cause that explains why someone develops a personality disorder.

    Having said that, some specific things can contribute to someone having one. For example, if someone in the family has a personality disorder, it increases the chances of a family member developing it.

    Another contributing event is if the person experienced childhood abuse or trauma. Children who grow up being abused, neglected, or in domestic violence may end up having a personality disorder.

    It takes a licensed physician or mental health counselor to provide an exact diagnosis of a personality disorder. The clinician will interview the person to find out their symptoms, how long they’ve had them, and any previous attempts at trying to treat them.

    Common signs that someone needs  personality disorder treatments include these symptoms:

    • Often misinterprets what people say and do, assuming it’s negative
    • Angers easily
    • Holds grudges against others
    • Wants to be perfect and is easily frustrated when they don’t feel that way
    • Finds it difficult to develop trust in others
    • Has a history of volatile relationships with family, friends, and others
    • Paranoia
    • Often isolates from others
    • Sometimes shows a complete lack of emotion
    • Overly sensitive to criticism (perceived or real)
    • Hallucinations
    • Suicidal thoughts
    • Abuses alcohol or drugs
    • Risky behavior
    Personality disorder treatments cannot cure a person, but they can help them reframe their patterns when it comes to thoughts, actions, and feelings. A first-class treatment program with experience treating personality disorders helps the individual identify and manage their symptoms. This greatly minimizes the symptoms and helps them feel less anxious and angry, and helps them make healthier choices in their daily lives. 

    Different types of therapy help people with personality disorders sort things out and learn to control their symptoms. This includes individual therapy, group therapy, holistic therapy, and family therapy.

    Begin Personality Disorder Treatments in Atlanta

    Do you have a personality disorder or know someone who does? Finding the right program can be tricky because it requires skilled, licensed therapists who have experience treating these types of mental health disorders.

    Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry offers personality disorder treatments that help change your life or that of someone you love. We meet you where you are in terms of your symptoms and capability of improving them. From there, we shepherd you through the right kinds of therapy that will help change your behaviors and feel more confident about your place in the world. 

    Contact us today and find out how easy it is to make an appointment. Therapy with our team of mental health experts can make a big difference in the life that you’ve been waiting for.

    Our goal is to provide you with a safe, caring, and supportive environment where you can take the first steps to recovery and receive help for your mental health disorder. Please contact us today for further information or to schedule an initial consultation. 

    You are not alone. You deserve to get help.

    Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry is an Industry leader in mental health treatment . Our team of top medical experts specialize in dual diagnosis treat and are committed to ensuring that each patient is treated as an individual.
    Call us today, we're avialable 24/7.